Brexit will create more demand and opportunity for contractors in the UK

Contractors can expect a great deal of opportunity to arise from the UK’s decision to leave the European Union. Contractors should move quickly to seize these opportunities following the Brexit decision, as with their skills and flexibility they will be in very high demand in this period of change and uncertainty.

Chris Bryce, CEO of the Association of Independent Professionals and the Self-Employed (IPSE) agrees: “IPSE believes this new era can and must be taken as an opportunity for the UK. New circumstances always bring new opportunities for freelancers. We should be optimistic about the future”

According to the Freelancer and Contractor Association (FCSA) CEO Julia Kermode states: “Leaving the EU will undoubtedly bring a period of uncertainty and as we have witnessed in the run up to this referendum demand for contractors has been high and I see this demand increasing.  However, it should be borne in mind that exit will not be instant, stability is needed and now more than ever it is important to ensure that firms have the right skills in place. Once again, the flexible workforce will be key in ensuring the UK’s economy doesn’t suffer.”

Contractor Calculator CEO Dave Chaplin points out: “Where there is change there is always opportunity. Leaving the EU is a massive one-off project that will impact on virtually every client organisation in the UK. This is exactly the sort of project that contractors are best at.”

Of course no-one knows how the Brexit decision will pan out yet, but what we do know is that these changes will most definitely take a few years to come into play. The uncertainty that Brexit is causing could be very positive for contractors, who are a low risk alternative to permanent staff for addressing what needs to be done.  British businesses will need access to highly skilled flexible talent to support them through this transition stage to ensure sustainable economic growth and prosperity – and that is where you come in!

Contact myOE today to find out how we can help you make the most of these new opportunities and with many other aspects of your overseas experience such as finding a job, a quality place to live and a large network of new friends and contacts to hang out with.  We provide free support and advice on your UK visa eligibility, as well as setting up other things you will need once you arrive – such as a National Insurance number, UK bank account, and how to reformat your resume for the UK market.

To find out how we can help you in your preparations to live, work and play in the UK, contact our dedicated team today!

PS.  Another little hint is that we would suggest that you buy some UK pound sterling for your OE as soon as possible before it starts to rise again 🙂


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