Live, Work, Play the Handbook Way

Get in touch to discuss how we can help you plan to make your dream working holiday a reality

So you want the balance of an exciting Overseas Experience, whilst enhancing your career still with money in your pocket to explore the wonders of Europe?  We know from our own experiences that you really can have it all.  This handy little book walks you through all the essential steps you need to get you from your home to your fantastic new job, with the salary and flexibility to ensure that you enjoy your European OE to the absolute full!  The handbook covers:   

  • Your career plan and how to find your ideal UK job.
  • Your visa requirements and how to apply.
  • Your UK bank account and general UK admin set up.
  • The UK’s variety of property options, areas to live, how much you’ll spend and the lifestyle choices to suit your personal requirements.
  • Facts about what to expect and about what life’s really like in the UK and;
  • A glossary of useful facts, websites and phone numbers to get your plan started.

Simply enter your details on the right and we will send you our handbook to download.  Let’s get you started on your UK move.

Your ticket to adventure starts here

Enter your details below and we will send you your downloadable My UK Move handbook for you to plan your Overseas Experience of a lifetime